An army of one: The failure of the us vs them mentality.


We all like to have our opinions and many of us fight to see those opinions help change the world for the better. Many of us default back to our instincts of fights, arguments, and debate. In order to have a fight, argument, or debate, there has to he an “other side”– a 2nd party or group; someone to oppose. When we’re not on the battlefield looking at our enemy, things become more subjective. Read more An army of one: The failure of the us vs them mentality.

Are you the next buggy whip?

Recently a few billionaires have issued a stark warning. Bill Gates and Mark Cuban (among others) are worried that manual labor is about to go the way of the buggy whip. In a world increasingly filled with robots, computers, and automation,  these billionaires are concerned that there may soon come a day where you have nothing to offer today’s job market.  These billionaires have offered up ideas of taxing robots to make up for the social security and medical benefits of the workers they’ll offset. Are these ideas revolutionary, or are they a sign of the limits of our ability to see into the future?
Read more Are you the next buggy whip?

The Fairer Sex

Some of the marching group much deserve criticism. As do many men and society as a whole. We have disrespected women to a large degree. We’ve raised women who carry on this tradition (sadly) and muddy the waters. Women of a bygone era certainly deserved better than womanizers, and as a society, we should rise above this rather than debasing everyone in an attempt to equalize us all. I set women on a pedestal of respect– however, some of what I’ve seen in recent times makes that very hard.

Read more The Fairer Sex