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This post is not an attack on you or how you live your life, if you disagree with the Bible, feel free to skip this article entirely. I still love you. If you have any questions about God or his unconditional love for you, please email me at joe@primoweb.com.
Read more Should a Christian tell their children what to think about gender issues?I’ll accept and tolerate your way of life 99% of the time (unless you’re a murderer or something).You are a human and you have as much right to this planet as anyone else. I won’t necessarily teach my kids that the things you do are acceptable for them, or that they’re allowed in my house. Read more Different strokes
“I want to believe.” That phrase may elicit thoughts of UFO or paranormal investigators, or perhaps someone with a crisis of faith. Many would probably not be willing to publicly utter such a phrase, for fear of being thought of as “less than logical”, or even a nut. Read more I want to believe
Read more The pyramid of information, or the telephone game?
Mad about Aunt Jemima or Uncle Ben’s changing? I can understand that it looks like “everything” is being questioned. You don’t even know what to believe now-a-days. Read more Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben: Reading history to the light of a burning building.