Are you the next buggy whip?

Recently a few billionaires have issued a stark warning. Bill Gates and Mark Cuban (among others) are worried that manual labor is about to go the way of the buggy whip. In a world increasingly filled with robots, computers, and automation,  these billionaires are concerned that there may soon come a day where you have nothing to offer today’s job market.  These billionaires have offered up ideas of taxing robots to make up for the social security and medical benefits of the workers they’ll offset. Are these ideas revolutionary, or are they a sign of the limits of our ability to see into the future?
Read more Are you the next buggy whip?


When I first saw the grand canyon, my eyes were overwhelmed by the scale– my brain could not compute how immense this canyon was. It’s odd because the sky is above me, every day, and it really doesn’t do that to me. My brain imagines a “ceiling” up there painted with stars that are just a bit out of reach. Read more Perspective

Horse Hockey


A horse, a deer and a cow all eat grass… that deer produces little pellets, a horse produces clumps of dry grass, and a cow produces big patty. Why is that?

Don’t know? Then why do you insist, on talking about immigration law when you don’t know crap?

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