America, the beautiful. You’ve forever held a sacred place in the hearts of worn and weary masses who long for liberty. When no place named America was on the map, you perpetually existed in the dreams of those who had never tasted freedom. Tyrants and dictators trembled at the idea you would some day appear. Still, the oppressed and confined toiled in the fields throughout history searching for you.
Just as the seed of man set ripe for another season of oppression and suffering, the collective souls of a generation clearly sensed your soon coming. From distant beaches and faraway lands they sailed, leaving their plows in the field and abandoning their homes in hopes of meeting you.
When they arrived at the land bearing your name, the weary pilgrims found no respite. The winters were cold, the land unforgiving, and the comforts and pleasures of home were a world away. Although they had voyaged across an ocean, the seas had not yet cleansed humanity’s soul. Though the masses reveled at finding you, the roots of oppression ran deep; many could not suffer that you were for all. The distant tyrants could not suffer you at all.
Your enemy’s sails filled the harbor, their troops assembled at the city gates, but the free and slave alike stood firm in defense of you. Through 7 long years of blood and death, they fought for you. When the smoke cleared and the dust settled, they found your enemies among their brethren. Brother fought brother in defense of you. The echo of wars has not yet faded; still we defend you.
You’ve taught us so much, yet there is much more we have not yet began to comprehend. We stray from your ways, yet your guiding light still shines, and your arms remain open.
We thank the God of creation for the blessings he has bestowed upon you. May you always remain a beacon of hope and a reflection of the freedom that God desires for us all. May your children ever honor God, love one another, and always seek peace.
— Joe Love
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