Freedom and Serfdom in Oklahoma


In Oklahoma, we’re an odd bunch. We’re known throughout the world as being the capital of Tornado Alley, we’re buckle of the Bible Belt, and we’re known as the home of many Native American tribes. Our state began with a land run, literally giving many people a shot at freedom of the type only the pilgrims got to experience, while still living in a thriving country with a growing infrastructure. Read more Freedom and Serfdom in Oklahoma

Might as well face it we’re addicted to Spam.



In the early 1990’s, during the infancy of the internet, the first “spam” posts began to appear. Some were peddling dubious products, some were claiming the end of humanity and fulfillment of prophecy. As technology grew, so too did spam and it’s infiltration into the information you and I see every day.

Read more Might as well face it we’re addicted to Spam.

You are what you think.

Be the king of your domain, the emperor of your mind.
Proverbs 23:7 shows us that you are not what you say you are. You are not even what you act like you are. You are what you think.
Want to be happy? Think happy thoughts. Want to be successful? Stop dwelling on failure. These thoughts may not manifest themselves in the way you think they should, but they will change who you are.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” — Philippians 4:8